by bomoalbertoguara

“There is the vision with physical sight and there is the vision with social sight-all involve seeing.But not “why” is seen,but what.Seeing with both eyes and telling with only one eye, is partial social sight.It is short sighted.It is a distortion of any social order”. 

Optics or illusion of seeing the world depends on what we see,why we see,when we see,where we see and how we see the events around us.Vision is a process whereby you use your eyes to see through the lenses in them,then interpret what is seen.Being blind is losing cognitive sight of what is around you and leaving what it means from the materialist construct of reality.Recognizing things for what they are for instance,comes from learning.

How do you know about a boat or chicken for that matter,if you have not seen a boat or chicken for once in your life?But then,your perspective changes towards the boat or chicken the moment you’ve come in contact and you see either of them again because of apriori learning.Learning involves visual and other sensual contacts with the object and knowing what it is.So it is in social interactions,our everyday contacts with each other leads to learning.

The barrier of prejudice reduces the social distance between the eyes and objects.Lack of contact that stimulates cordiality between objects is responsible largely for the social atrophy between classes,peoples,religion,cultures and ethnic groups;distorting the good optics that ordinarily ensues from social interactions between diverse groups of people.

Distortions ( warped optics) are mere distractions orchestrated by the ruling coalition against the lower classes;the vectors of social wedge being religion,illiteracy,poverty though cutting across the classes,these weaponized ‘knives’ are the portent instruments of divide and rule.Pity,we hardly see beyond our noses; the noses having being abridged by the ‘weaponized knives’ to see the what from what it is.

The worst of these instruments is gossip and its hand-maiden-rumour.Pope Francis has this to say of gossip,”gossip is rotten.At the beginning it seems to be something enjoyable and fun,like a piece of candy.But at the end,it fills the heart with bitterness and also poisons us. The gossip is a “terrorist” who throws a grenade-chatter in order to destroy”. The mind and hands that are busy will hardly be filled with idle  prattle.Gossip,rumours are products of distorted optics pushed by the ruling coalition for its preservation and continuous plunder of the commonwealth.The only route to freeing the mind to see independently is through education,increasing prosperity, and expansion of the middle classes which serves as the moderating wedge between the ruling coalition and the lower classes.

In the final analysis,social tension arises because we are all born with two eyes,but vision only with one.